The gender described is expressed as number of subjects. The age is described as Mean yrs. (SD). There was equal destitution of subjects gender wise i.e. 45 females and 45 males. The average age difference between groups was not significant. It indicates homogenous sample size for consideration of this study.
There was gradual change in body weigh after treatment in healthy individuals receiving weight Management gummies supplementation. Subjects from treatment group shown 5.1 kg reduction in body weight with 9.2% decrease in BMI. In control group, subjects were only provided consultation regarding lifestyle modification were having 1.28 kg body weight reduction with marginal change in BMI. The reduction in body weight and BMI was statistically significant in treatment group versus control.
Table 2: Changes in body weight and BMI between groups (Treatment and control)
Graph 1: Changes in body weight between groups (Treatment and control)
Graph 2: Changes in BMI between groups (Treatment and control)
Changes in body weight (kg) and BMI of known case of DM patients on stable prescriptions were measured and depicted in table 3. There was almost 3 kg decrease in mean body weight. There was guidance regarding diet and lifestyle modification provided to all subjects. From baseline through day 30, day 60, and day 90, body weight decreased gradually. There was 1.13 kg/m2 decrease i.e. almost 4% decrease in BMI of diabetic patients after 90 days of treatment.
Table 3: Changes in body weight and BMI between groups (Group DM)
Table 4: Changes in score of modified Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite (IWQOL-Lite) questionnaire between groups
Impact of weight on quality of life (QOL) score was significantly decreased in treatment group compared to control. There was around 35.33% reduction in the score. The present study indicated enhanced quality of life as more the score there is much more distress, exhaustion and low self-esteem in following 5 domains of assessment. The questionnaire focuses on following domains as a measure of QoL and addressed following impact of increased weight in domains of social, physical and emotional wellbeing. The considerations are depicted in table 5.
Impact of weight on quality of life (QOL) score was significantly decreased in diabetic patients group when compared to baseline. There was around 25.2% reduction in the score. It indicated enhanced QoL.
As per the results of number of events per month for the digestive complaints depicted in table 7, it can be concluded that there is reduction in the digestive complain events by the treatment of weight management gummies than the control but statistically non-significant.
As per the results of number of events per month for the digestive complaints depicted in table 8, it can be concluded that there is reduction in the digestive complain events in diabetic group after treatment of weight management gummies though not statistically significant.
Table 8: Changes in digestive behavior in diabetic group
As per the results of anthropometric and bio-impedance indices there was gradual reduction in waist and hip circumferences in treatment group as well as control group but magnitude wise there was more decrease in treatment group than control. The results are not statistically significant but show the reducing trend. Body fat% and visceral fat % was also reduced more in treatment group than in control.
Table 9: Changes in anthropometric parameters between groups
As per the results of anthropometric and bio-impedance indices there was gradual reduction in waist and hip circumferences in diabetes group after treatment with weight management gummies. The results are not statistically significant but show the reducing trend. Body fat% and visceral fat % was also reduced at day 90 compared to baseline.
Table 10: Changes in anthropometric parameters in diabetic groups
In the present study, there were comparable symptoms related to increased body weight at baseline in both treatment and control groups. Gradually from day 30 to 90 the symptom severity declined. The score mentioned is expressed as mean score of VAS (0-10) zero being no symptom and 10 is severe which can interfere the daily activities most. The score between 0-5 represents milder symptoms not interfering daily activities. There is reduction in severity of symptoms evident as significantly reduced score after treatment of 90 days. From 30 days the treatment group started showing significant reduction in severity of symptoms and continued till day 90. Ij control group though there was slight decrease in the score but not significant compared to treatment group.
Table 11: Changes in symptoms related to increased body weight between groups (Treatment and control)
In the present study, in diabetic subjects there was gradual decrease in the symptom score from baseline to day 90. The reduction in symptoms is statistically significant.
Table 12: Changes in anthropometric parameters in diabetic groups
At the end of 90 days of treatment, mean total cholesterol and triglycerides showed a significant reduction of around 14% and 12.45% respectively compared to control.
Table 13: Changes in lipid profile