7 Fruitful Tips to Reduce Your Hair Thinning
Want long, silky and voluminous hair? But tired of hair thinning too? No worries…hair thinning is becoming a vast issue in almost everyone’s life. This problem generally arises because of the way you take care of your hair. Although pollution and your lifestyle are highly responsible for damaging your hair, thinning can also occur if you have been using heating tools to style your hair more than enough. Your diet also plays a very important role in your hair health.
The more junk you eat, the more damage you might have to face. Instead increasing your protein intake would directly enhance your hair health. However, this hair thinning issue can be solved by you including some of the easiest tips in your hair care regime. Once you commence implementing them, your hair would start to become stronger and longer. These mini activities consist of air drying your hair, conditioning it, or using heat-free styling methods. Furthermore, you begin consuming biotin gummies that are extremely required for maintaining good hair growth and texture.
Begin scrolling down through these effective tips for eliminating your hair thinning issue and growing longer and lustrous hair:
1. Let your Wet Hair Air Dry
To prevent pulling out excessive hair after a shower, apply a gentle pat using a soft towel. Make sure to not squeeze it or rub it rough. Allow it to dry naturally instead of making use of a blow-dryer because the heat produced by it could result in hair drying out, and breaking. Letting your hair air dry can even help encourage the growth of your hair.
2. Make Use of Heat-Free Styling Methods
Keep away from using straightening, curling irons or any other kind of hot styling device to make your hair look more attractive. Heated tools can be another reason for having split ends and thin hair. Be sure to embrace your hair's natural texture and leave it as it is. However, if you decide to use any of the tools for styling your hair, choose the coolest option from its settings.
3. Do Condition Your Hair After Shampooing it

The conditioner makes your hair shine and decreases static electricity which is the reason it enhances the appearance of your damaged or dull hair. Apply the conditioner to the ends of your hair, and then work upwards. But do not apply it on the scalps. You can get rid of tangles using an oversized comb, then rinse with cool water. This will close down your cuticles, making your hair glossier.
4. Try to Make Loose Hairstyles Instead of Tight Ones
Hairstyles that are tight, like weaves, and braids make your hair pull out more easily. Hence, you should try to wear your hair down or loosely pulled back. Avoid using barrettes and hair elastics that could pull your hair. If hair gets pulled too tightly, it might get pulled away from its roots. This can cause splits ends, hair weakening and damage to hair follicles. Therefore, make sure to keep the beginning of the braid loose. Braids that are tight may also result in stress, as hair here is pulled back constantly upon hair follicles.
5. Consume Lots of Protein
Protein is among the building elements of your hair and if you're not getting enough of it, hair loss could be the result. Protein intake is essential in growing hair because hair follicles comprise a large portion made up of protein.
You need to consider eating more of the following food items:
Chickpeas, black beans and other legumes
Dairy products
6. Do Not Wash Your Hair Frequently
It is unlikely that you need to clean your hair daily. The frequent washing of your hair strips off essential oil, which will leave your hair limp and dull. This situation can also arise in the case of excessive use of dry shampoo. Perhaps if you are blessed with naturally coloured hair that tends to be more dry and vulnerable to breakage, you should clean less often. The moisturising shampoos that are free of sulphates can be an ideal choice for all.
7. Reduce Your Tension

Stress is one of the very common factors that can lead to losing hair and thinning it. Taking steps to lower your stress levels could help slow this process. If you live a stressful life, consider the following methods to reduce stress every day:
Get more rest. Sleep deprivation triggers your body to release cortisol, the stress hormone.
Try yoga or meditation.
Regularly exercise.
All in All
Treating the hair thinning issue is very important. This can even lead to more breakage and weaken the hair. This may further reduce the pace of your hair growth. Thus, fixing this problem from its root cause can be helpful. Apart from practising the highlighted activities given above, you need to add some hair gummies to your regular routine too. The “Gorgeous Hair and Nails” gummies can be chosen as it has just the right amount of nutrients that your hair requires for maintaining good health. These rabbit-shaped gummies have zinc, Vitamin A to E, and most importantly Biotin, which is a vital ingredient required for hair growth.
Two gummies a day for effective nutrition as we say!