Health Tips & Lifestyle
Top 5 Hair Care Trends Stealing The Buzz
Natural oils like coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil will also be a popular addition to products aimed to nourish the hair cuticle and strands.
7 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism
Metabolism is a phrase that refers to all of your body's chemical reactions. These chemical processes are what keep your body alive and well.
Prep-up For Your Period
Let's face it: there's a lot to remember when it comes to prepping for your period. Do you have any tampons in hand? What's the status of your PMS?...
5 DIY Masks To Deal With Dry Hair
Because of its fatty acids, it absorbs quickly into the hair, includes vitamin E to encourage hair development as well as a UV screen to prevent sun damage, and its moisturising properties keep hair from drying out.
Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Bloated Stomach
Peppermint leaf has been proven to have a releasing effect on gastrointestinal tissue that may help with bloating.
Why You Should Track Your Period?
Food cravings are a frequent symptom of PMS. There is also evidence that some people seek consolation from junk foods when they are distressed emotionally.