Best Hacks & Home Remedies For Period Pain

Periods are an inevitable part of every women’s life

It’s a phase every woman has to face and bear with utter patience.

But one thing that makes it unbearable is the period cramps known as dysmenorrhea.


There are a bunch of tips regarding period pain remedies at home but the pain varies from woman to woman, some experience it as mild while some severe, before and during their period.

Why Are Period Cramps Painful?

Period cramps are caused by a contraction in your uterus and are caused by changes in your body’s hormones levels.


During this, it’s normal to feel pain around your abdomen, lower back and thighs.

For women who experience minor cramps, period pain remedies at home have forever been looked up to for treating menstrual pain.

However, if you feel that the remedies of period pain didn’t help you, you may consult a doctor for the same.

Quick Home Remedies For Period Pain

  • Use Heat

Use heating patch on your abdomen as a member of period pain remedies at home.

It can help relax the muscles of your uterus that cause period cramps.


Heat also boost circulation in your abdomen, which reduces pain.

This efficacy has made it occur in the list of remedies of period pain.

Some women do use hot bottles or rice heated and stored in a cloth bag as a part of period pain remedies at home

  • Massage With Essential Oils

The list of period pain remedies at home is incomplete without this one.

Period cramps can be eased with essential oil massage onto the abdomen.

Before using essential oils as period pain remedies at home mix it with a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil.

These techniques in remedies of period pain help spread the oil over a large area. Some of the essential oils you can use as remedies for period pain are:

# Lavender

# Sage

# Rose

# Marjoram

# Cinnamon

# Clove

  • Gentle Exercise


Ever guessed, exercise will be part of the period pain remedies at home?

We know you feel tired and this is the last thing you might want to consider as home remedy for period pain when you are suffering from period cramps.

Well, obviously you can’t do a high-intensity workout but some gentle exercise or yoga can definitely help you ease the period pain and hit your list of period pain remedies at home.

Exercise is one of the period pain remedies at home because it releases endorphins which are natural pain relievers.

Try a few of these yoga poses as menstrual pain remedies at home:

# Supported prone

# Supine twist

# Reclined bound angle

# Inverted leg pose

# Child pose

# Cobra pose 

  • Add Herbs, Cut Caffeine 

While a lot of women believe that sipping coffee is one of the effective remedies of period pain and help them with cramps, let’s clear the dust from your eyes.


Caffeine only worsens the pain for you.

Rather than your regular black coffee switch to a better option like herbal teas as period pain remedies at home.

These herbs are effective home remedies for period cramps and contain anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic compounds that help give you a comforting period becoming a part of remedies of period pain at home.

Some of the herbs you may try as period pain remedies at home are:


# Chamomile tea

# Fennel tea

# Dandelion tea

# Cinnamon

# Ginger water

# Turmeric tea

    Along with these oils as remedies of period pain, there are other herbs too which can be a go-to option for every woman to be tried as remedies of period pain.

    • Work On Your Diet

    Period pain remedies at home can’t be complete without this.

    We are emphasizing a lot to pay attention to your diet.

    It’s time you shift to nutritious food to keep your body and hormones happy.

    A good diet full of fiber, leafy vegetables and processed foods can be considered as the remedies of period pain.

    If you can’t decide where to start from, give these foods a try as period pain remedies at home:

    # Papaya

    # Brown rice

    # Walnuts


    # Almonds

    # Olive oil

    # Flaxseed

    # Watermelon

    # Lettuce

      With these foods will be in the list of remedies of period pain at home, you should add vitamin supplements like THAT TIME OF THE MONTH PMS gummies to your diet.

      They are clinically tested to deal with cramps and brings your period pain to relief and are considered as the best remedies of period pain which you can rely on 365 days & make your periods full of health & happiness.

      Also, add more water to your diet because it helps you with painful bloating during menstruation.

      These are few remedies of period pain to deal with cramps and periods at home.  

      While menstruation or periods have been a common phase of every woman entering womanhood, what has been neglected is menstruation health which includes remedies of period pain too.

      For periods brings with it PMS symptoms that disrupt the normal routine & these remedies are the answers to your worries for why pms happens.

      Not anymore, use these remedies of period pain at home to deal with period pain. 

      Remedies of period pain can be used by women to ease their period pain and enjoy normally even during that time of the month.

      Best Hacks & Home Remedies For Period Pain | Power Gummies