Health Tips & Lifestyle
5 Weird Thoughts That You Have During That Time of the Month
Aaah, Cravings! PMS and Period hormones are to blame when you suddenly crave a burger and fries. Why and What you crave during your periods is not something you should be ashamed of. It is your bodily choice, plus caving in to your food desires should be completely acceptable and readily available thanks to food delivery services. But, One thing that helps take more care of you and your gut is making healthy choices. Include green Veggies and High fiber foods in your diet to keep cramps at bay.
5 Reasons Why Your Periods Act Weird and Last Longer
PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that disorders your ovulation. Either you miss your periods by a few days, or they frequently become irregular or won't get their periods for a certain time frame (It can extend to a year). If you have PCOS, you are more likely to have excess production of the male hormone testosterone.
5 Ways You Can Handle Your Period Like a Pro on Valentine's
Get yourself an early valentine's day gift because you need something extra to keep up with the joys of the Day. Preparing a period kit with all essentials will help you manage your Day, plus be far-far away from last-minute anxiety.
7 Food Items You Should Avoid Eating During Periods
Magnesium can reduce stress, improve insulin resistance & help with PCOS, and prevent premenstrual migraines. Magnesium performs soundest in combination with vitamin B6. It helps relax the smooth muscle of the uterus by decreasing the prostaglandins that cause period pain.
Power Over Periods: 8 Ways to Naturally Stall Your Periods
Periods are part of life, the only way to deal with them or handle the inconvenience that it brings is by adding some ground rules that you adhere to get them on time.
10 Natural Food That Helps Induce Your Periods Faster
Pineapple should be considered the A-fruit because just eating a slice of it makes you feel happy and healthy! Pineapple is a rich source of bromelain-enzyme that has a positive effect on estrogen and other hormones.